Tuesday, May 23, 2006

who watches over you?

the internet is a trip and so are ideas but it is weird how it works. i'm linking to this blog that links to this video so you can see the video that i saw and see where i saw it and i don't know how far bak all of that can go... but
it's interesting nonetheless.
i've heard of sonic youth since high school but never would have been able to identify them if i'd heard them. this is my first known experience. the video is worth watching. it's like having a mini-dream while you're awake. i've always been a slow learner. it takes me longer to get things, but once i get them i get them... if'n ya know wut i mean. same thing applies to me when it comes to music. i allow music to come to me through others... a receptive attitude, i suppose.
i want to know what You like. maybe i'll like that.