Friday, June 02, 2006

angry typist

i should go jogging right now. but no i don't think that will be happening. i always think running and jogging are not the thing to do. today this woman was running alongside the road and i guess she was supposed to be jogging but she was very amateurish. she totally ran like a girl all flopping her wrists and hands around . and when she had to stop at the crosswalk to wait for the light, she didn't even jog in place to keep her heart rate up or anything. she didn't know what she was doing. scott said she was probably some dumb high school girl or something. and i was all nuh-uh she looks like some old crack ho done been rode hard and put away wet.

i'm not tired right now.
i just noticed that when i type i tend to slam the keys on the keyboard really hard.