Wednesday, December 08, 2004

wanna know why i'm so screwed up?

I'll tell ya... I was reminded today because the song Hotel California came on the radio and it brought back a childhood memory of when I used to be deathly afraid and have panic attacks whenever I heard that song. "Why?" you may ask. I will tell you. When I was a kid, my mom thought she was doing me a favor by sending me to a Christian school. Unfortunately, it backfired. They put the fear of God in us, alright. I used to think songs like Hotel CA were evil songs about the devil-- and I didn't think it was cool like I do now. Also, I used to keep my mom up late every night for years because I was afraid that the Rapture would come "like a thief in the night" and my parents and all my family were sinners and would surely go to hell. I used to pray for them that they would be forgiven so they could join me in Heaven. That's just wrong to do to little kids, y'know? Anyway, I got over all that when I hit puberty. I took control of that. Quit church, quit Christian school.... ended up Buddhist. Now, I really enjoy studying world religion and culture... but, I'm not Evangelical or a Bible-thumper. So, I guess I'm not too screwed up.