Thursday, June 24, 2004

There's no such thing as 'race'

A lot of times people ask me if I am Irish because I have red hair and fair skin. Whatever. So the assumption is that all Irish people have red hair and fair skin? It's tough to wrap our minds around the idea that there is no scientific way to say that there are different races of humans. It's a myth-- a folk-tale. It's hard to understand because it has been so ingrained in our minds that you can tell where someone comes from by the color of their skin, the type of hair they have or any other aspect of their physical appearance. It is not biologically, scientifically possible to tell someone's race. It isn't real. I have heard people say that someone has Irish hands. Or, what about being hot-tempered as an Irish trait? Or Asians are conservative intellectuals. You know? It is a social construct. My maternal great-grandmother was from the Azores. My paternal grandmother's family came from England. However: humans have been 'inter-breeding' for millenia. Just because they came from a particular location doesn't mean that their 'ancestry' was 'pure'. Life is so confusing, I swear! We love to put labels on things. We love 'final answers', but I'm here to tell ya: there are none. Also: my weblog is meant to be a free-for-all journal of my thoughts. I can't put too much pressure on myself to make it perfect! K? So if it's not "HOT" that's just TOO BAD! I do the best I can. This is just me letting of steam in a variety of ways.