Monday, October 31, 2005

the sweet smell of decay

happy all hallow's eve day. atche ay dubble ell oh dubbel yew dubble ee en spells halloween. i'm totally procrastinating in a major way on writing a paper that is due today. i keep making all these bargains with myself. i only have about six hours left in which to write it. it only has to be three to five pages. one of the problems is that he gave us three choices on what we could write about. i've changed my mind like nine times. the one i have decided on is "discuss the nature of mythic consciousness in our society through examining the stories we tell ourselves (in advertising, media, music, film, architecture, education, etc.). Illustrate with plentiful details. Do you believe we live in a demythologized environment, or is myth alive and well? Refer to at least one of the theorists (Jung, Campbell, Eliade)." Life is so unfair. it's not that i am unable to write it, i just can't seem to get started!