Wednesday, March 01, 2006


yes, i post probably too many pictures of my face. that's nothing compared with how many pictures i actually TAKE of my face. eight hundred billion, to be exact. i think this picture is my pregnant shadow. one reason i take so many pictures of my face is this: i feel very ugly. insecure about my appearance. so, i take pictures and then it motivates me to fix myself up because since i am pretty much a shut-in, i usually lie around in a slip all day and would never brush my hair or try to look nice if it weren't for my self-portrait hobby. it is something that motivates me to fix myself up every day. then i take a picture and say, "there. i looked halfway decent at some point during this day. my work here is done. see? there's the proof." and honestly, i can't get enough of seeing people's pictures of themselves on their blogs, either. even if they all seem to look the same... they really don't. a person's face is always a little bit different. i could be more creative and take pictures of other things or body shots or something. maybe i lack creativity. who knows.
