Tuesday, October 31, 2006

walk in my shoes

for me, this whole entire day has been very annoying. i have been on the vergeo of going completely insane all day. EVERYthing is pissing me off and i feel like a little kid who hasnt learned to control her emotions.
i went to the grocery store to get some juice with my WIC coupons and i am not sure exactly why but the checkout lady was making it take a really long time and it was really hot in the store, and i had just put on my velma costume because i was trying to make a festive public appearance but when the line started backing up behind me i started to feel really embarrassed that all i was buying was four containers of juice and it was taking this long! i felt myself beginning to flush.
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seriously, my shoulders are tense from all the stressing out i have done today. i am still proud of myself for even surviving the torment that this day has been for me.