Saturday, May 14, 2005

a fool am EYE

utter and complete. i may as well just admit it right now. i was looking at this military quotes site and they have adolf hitler quotes and i am going to read them and i was wondering if i should risk putting it on my blog cuz ppl FREAK out over Hitler, man. I am not a nazi or a white supremacist. i am an anthropologist.anyway, i have this shirt and... it is a Tibetan shirt, but it has Swastikas on it and they are mixed with other sanskrit writing and buddhist imagery, but some ppl get like all political if you put the freakin confederate flag in your window cuz you know, it violates their rights and I personally have no interest in flying the confederate flag, but i do value freedom of expression and an open forum, etc. boy oh boy. i'll get off my soap box, now.

"The soul is the body, and the body is the soul. They are indistinguishable. Do not fear for the destruction of either." - The Way of the Samurai