Friday, May 05, 2006


i would really like a glass of wine.
i wish i had some.
but i don't.
to what extent would i go to get a glass of wine?
we have none.
someone would have to go get it.
let's see... i'll get out my trusty walkie-talkie (yes. a real walkie talkie, folks) and call my boyfriend who is in the garage. he spends a lot of time in the garage cuz he loves garages.
but anyway, it is friday night. so i think that counts for something. also, my graduation is coming up and i should celebrate and besides i am not going to drink a bottle just a glass. cuz i have a baby and even though she is asleep i need to be on the ball 24/7 for the next five years minimum... so.
i'm having a glass of wine tonight.
more later.