Wednesday, May 24, 2006

oh boy

i must switch ages a lot.
i guess that is called regression.
our therapist-type-dude often asks me, "how old did you feel when that happened?"
that question always stops me in my tracks.
at first i think, "how is that relevant? i wasn't even thinking about how old i felt. i don't feel an age. it's all just a concept... blah blah blah"
but like, the other day, i was really pissed off while driving around town. i'm like dr. jekkl and mister hyde. i am VERY impatient while driving.... sometimes it seems like everywhere i go i JUST missed the perfect time by ONE SECOND and now i have to WAIT for ALL ETERNITY!
argh! and STUPID ARSEHOLES who drive like they are the only person in existence are SO infuriating! OH EM GEE!
anyway, after getting myself really good and mad i start to want to act out. i feel a desire to STEAL stuff ... shoplift. but i CAN'T do that because it is SO NOT WORTH the risk of going to jail. argh! but it is this feeling of YOU OWE ME something because i have SUFFERED so greatly at the hands ofyour incompetence!