Saturday, March 06, 2004

Sunny Day I rode my bike up the hill to buy a few things. I got some foaming carpet cleaner and carpet fresh. Necessary when there are three cats living in one apartment. I decided I'm going to start taking vitamins, so I bought some Vitamin C and some Amino Acids. I bought some Girl Scout cookies. Samoas. They are one of my favorites. Chewy coconut, caramel and chocolate. I took my cat to the vet this morning to have her sutures removed from when she was spayed. She had booster shots and Advantage. I spent $50 on all that. I've never been one to spend money on cats, but I have to be responsible for this cat since she appears to own me. Well, she was a stray who "followed" my son home from school one day. I sort of feel like more of a "responsible" person when I take care of her. She's only 7 months old. Who knows how long I'll have her.