1. What is your favorite midnight snack?
I love popcorn. Mostly, I prefer salty snacks to sweet ones. Last night, I had a big bowl of Chocolate Therapy ice cream with sliced bananas and a melted almond roca cookie bar on top. That was really good. It is not good to eat anything after 9PM, though, so I try to avoid it, as a general rule. The real answer is, I don’t have a particular favorite. Maybe Chex Mix.
2. What's something that you do every day, but you wish you didn't have to?
I’m gonna say “drink coffee.” I honestly have felt this way for years. Occasionally, I have been known to switch to Earl Grey, because I don’t feel like I HAVE TO drink it. With coffee, I feel like I have no choice and am forced to drink it, but I am sick of drinking it. I’ve been drinking coffee pretty much every day since I was, like, 17. Many times, as I am preparing my morning cup of coffee, I notice how I am not looking forward to drinking it.
3. You always have many interesting quotes on your blog. What is a quote that inspires you every time you read it?
The Vow of the Bodhisattva. I have it memorized, this one. I say it any time I am needing to center myself. I say it to myself every day at least once. One time, I recited it for a woman and it made her cry (in a good way). That was cool.
“With the wish to free all beings,
until they reach full awakening,
I will always go for refuge
to the Buddha, the dharma, and the sangha.
Today in the presence of the enlightened ones,
inspired by wisdom, compassion and joyous effort,
I generate the mind aspiring to full buddhahood
for the well-being of all sentient beings.
For as long as space endures,
and for as long as sentient beings remain;
until then, may I too abide
to dispel the misery of the world.”
I learned this when my dad took me to see the Dalai Lama at UCLA and we were “initiated” as bodhisattvas and the Dalai Lama said that we should say that verse to ourselves every day to remind us of our vow. I won’t say that I 100% live by it, but I try to remember it.
4. What is your morning routine?
Brush teeth.
Let the cats in or out (they always want one or the other).
Check on the hermit crabs.
Get a cup of coffee.
Check my blog, check my email.
Read other people’s blogs.
Do a blog post or two.
Wash any leftover dishes which may be in the sink from last night.
Make something for breakfast.
5. It's almost summer. If you had unlimited funds, where would you
travel for summer break?
India. I have never been there and I have always wanted to experience India, firsthand.
OR, I would buy a VW/Winnebago van and visit some U.S. National Parks.
questions posed by Janet
The Official Interview Game Rules 1. If you want to participate, leave a comment saying "interview me." 2. I will respond by asking you five questions - each person's will be different. 3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions. 4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
technorati tag/category: quotes