Wednesday, February 21, 2007

life's not fair, is it?

because i have unhealthy boundaries i morph into the people i hang around and now i am sort of morphing into a high school student. not really, but this morning i have been acting IN-mature and silly and helpless and scott said that it's like he has TWO daughters. HAHAHAHAHAHA
being a grown up is BORING anywayz.

i wish i could be obsessed with like avoiding food.
the thing that is hard for me is like thinking about the future instead of the present. like right NOW i am fat and right NOW this will taste good and make me feel distracted and better for like five minutes. getting skinny is something that MAY or may NOT happen sometime in the future. who even knows if i will live that long!?
SHUT UP about the FOOD already! just get skinny and get it over with! seriously.