Thursday, January 11, 2007

bad behavior

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maybe you think i am nice and sweet... i don't know... but today i did something really ridiculous and i thought i should confess to the world about my darker side. it started when i was feeling down this morning and i said to scott that i wish i could feel happier and better. he said something like, "i've never seen you happy." and that made me mad so i started saying that it's all his fault that i am unhappy. he pulled his usual "i'm rubber you're glue" type stuff and i went into the kitchen and started doing the dishes... something i usually do when i get angry. then i glanced at the calendar to see what day it was and as USUAL he had already crossed off thursday. that made me madder and i commanded him to stop crossing off the day before it has ended and he said he would do whatever he wants so i said, "FINE. So will I." and i RIPPED up the calendar and threw it in the garbage. i was aware that this was last years calendar and we needed a new one anyway, but still. anyway, i took a nap and then it all blew over and we bought a new calendar for a dollar at walmart. i know this is childish behavior and i am sorry.