Wednesday, January 31, 2007


i want to make some bean/vegetable soup today.
i just woke up from an approximately two-hour nap.
i wanted to drink some coffee, but i don't feel quite well enough to really enjoy it.
when we went to the doctor, earlier, she was pretty much useless as i had expected.
she didn't really even have anything worthwhile to say about the itchy bumps i have on my skin. i will have to diagnose myself. doctors are incompetent.
i haven't really eaten enough food, today, either. i know that.
i think all i've had are some guacamole flavored tortilla chips dipped in plain yogurt.
oh i ate half a granola bar just now.
oh yeah, i had some ginger noodles earlier, too.
i forget about stuff.
but it feels like i'm starving to death.

i started the sketching in for my next painting.
i borrowed a book from my teacher called Art & Fear: Observations On the Perils (and Rewards) of ARTMAKING.
sounds good.